WORK: Matrix Martial Arts

After living in Spain for many years I stumbled across an incredible Jiu-Jitsu and Mixed Martial Arts club, with a background in Martial Arts I ended up joining the club. I noticed their logo at the time felt outdated and not truly representative of the clubs atmosphere. I began drafting some design ideas in my spare time. I then spoke to the head instructor and owner of the business, he was excited about the prospect of going somewhere new with his branding.


• Use the original trinity knot symbol

• Create a minimalist, but professional looking logotype

• Keeping the previous "The Matrix" film series inspired colour scheme, but reimagine it

Logo Improvements

The owner had a great love of the film series "The Matrix", and a lot of the original branding and backgrounds for social media post was of the typical black background with green numbers flying down the screen. Whilst I suppose this idea made sense and was rooted in the beginnings of the club, but he wanted to expand across the country; I believed he need a logo that was more professional and representative of MMA rather than a film series. I kept the green to black colour scheme as a background gradient. After studying different logo and poster designs for Martial Arts clubs I realised there was a minimalist approach to branding. I kept the trinity knot design of his old design then used Matrix as the predominant name, and added was says in Spanish "Academy of Martial Arts and Fitness".

Style For Different Offerings

When designing the logo, I realised, with many different Martial Arts offerings there could be a design for each service, differentiating between them. Which would ensure consistency in advertising or content creation through social media channels.